Check in is at 4pm & check out is at 11am.
View a large interactive map of The Waldheim here.
Swimming & Boating Safety
This form is one that explains the inherent dangers of swimming and boating. We are required to have one person from each family sign this form when you check in for your stay.
Pet Policy
Our pet policy is in place to ensure that you and your pet can enjoy a stress free stay at The Waldheim.
Bear Re-Education
Bears have seldom visited The Waldheim since the introduction of our “bear-proof” dumpster and the start of removing garbage to that dumpster on a daily basis. Please read our Bear Re-Education statement to learn more about keeping bears away from your cottage.
Canoes, Kayaks, & SUP’s
This link provides information on rental rates. To reserve, please see Kelly or Keriann at the Main Office.
Employment Application
If you are interested in working with us, please print our application, fill it out and send it back to Keriann at
Invasive Species Information
Big Moose Lake is one of the few lakes in the area that is currently free from any aquatic invasive species. Please help us continue to make our lake as clean as possible.
Invasive species are non-native species that can cause harm to the environment, the economy, or to human health. They are one of the biggest threats to New York State’s biodiversity. They can create habitat degradation and loss; loss of native fish, wildlife, and tree species; loss of recreational opportunities and income; and crop damage and disease in humans and livestock. Learn how to properly disinfect your equipment and identify the various types of invasive species.
Guest Manual
We have a small manual in each cottage that contains this information. However, it may be helpful to review it before your stay with us.